Vocational Education & Training
What is VET?
VET (Vocational Education and Training) refers to national vocational qualifications that are endorsed by industry. VET qualifications provide students with the opportunity to develop specific industry-related skills. Students with VET qualifications are well prepared to take on apprenticeships (including School-based Apprenticeships), further education and training, and skilled jobs.
What are Western Adelaide Regional VET Programs?
Regional VET programs provide senior school students in Western Adelaide with increased vocational pathway options through a broad range of VET program choices. Regional VET programs are hosted by schools and Registered Training Organisations (RTOs). Students remain enrolled at their Home School, and attend the Host School or RTO for their chosen VET program. For more information visit www.wats.sa.edu.au
What are the benefits of choosing VET?
Some of the benefits are:
• gaining a nationally-recognised qualification while completing your SACE;
• getting a ‘head start’ in your chosen career;
• making your senior school study more relevant and interesting;
• providing opportunities to learn ‘on-the-job’ through workplace learning;
• gaining the skills and knowledge that employers look for;
• providing pathways into apprenticeships, traineeships (including School-based Apprenticeships and Traineeships), further education or training, and direct employment.
The flexibility of the SACE enables students to include a significant amount of VET in their SACE studies. Please speak to the VET/Pathways Leader for more information about VET in the SACE or visit the SACE Board website: www.sace.sa.edu.au/web/vet.
Will I need to do workplace learning as part of my VET course?
Many VET courses require students to undertake Structured Workplace Learning (SWL). This involves learning opportunities related to your VET course in a real or simulated workplace. These placements provide on-the-job training and mentoring to develop your technical and employability skills. SWL also provides opportunity for on-the-job assessment as part of your VET course.
The Department for Education provides Workplace Learning Procedures for all South Australian schools. Before participating in workplace learning students must have undertaken a program of workplace learning preparation (minimum 5hrs of OHS, Child Protection and Equal Opportunity preparation). You will also need to complete a Workplace Learning Agreement Form and ensure that it is signed by all parties (work placement provider, parent/caregiver, student and VET/Pathways Leader). Please see your VET/Pathways Leader for a copy of your school’s Workplace Learning Agreement Form.
Recommended SACE subject relevant to my VET course
Stage 1 and 2 subject that is highly recommended for VET students is Workplace Practices, as this can be directly related to your VET course. In this subject, students develop knowledge, skills and understanding of the nature, type and structure of the workplace. They learn about future trends in the world of work, workers’ rights and responsibilities and career planning. Students can undertake VET and workplace learning as part of this subject.