Research shows that attendance at school all day and every day positively affects learning, wellbeing, employment and life outcomes for children and young people. Learning is cumulative and it is disrupted if students often miss school.
Underdale High School’s behaviour support policy guides:
- the behaviour we expect of children and young people
- how staff, parents and carers will support positive behaviour
- the safe inclusion of children and young people.
Underdale High School is a caring, inclusive community that provides opportunities for innovative, challenging, and creative learning whilst valuing success and wellbeing for all. Our core values encompass Resilience, Optimism, Courage and Knowledge. We aim to establish a community in which everybody upholds our school values and where individual differences are appreciated, understood and accepted. Everybody has a right to enjoy their time at school.
This policy provides guidance to the finance team for the recovery of all outstanding debt due to the Governing Council. Most of these debts will be for the Compulsory Materials & Services charge but this policy will be applied to other debts, for example, books not returned to the Learning Hub and subject fees.
Good relationships within the school community give children a greater chance of success. However in the
event of a grievance, the following guidelines may be used. For further detail refer to the Department’s
documents – “Grievance Procedures for Employees” and the “Grievance Resolution Policy”.
Underdale High School has a vision for using innovative technologies in the teaching and learning programs of the school. We aim to promote engaging and interactive curriculum delivery and assessment which improve the educational outcomes for all students. The key aim of the integration of technology into the teaching and learning at Underdale High School is to ensure that all students can become competent, discriminating, and creative users of a range of technologies.
The focus on the use of technologies in the teaching and learning program means that it is necessary to establish appropriate policies and procedures. Whilst this focus provides opportunities to enhance and extend human interaction, empathy and understanding, students must be aware of the responsibilities of using information and communication technologies. Therefore, it is a requirement that all students and their caregivers read and abide by the school’s Learning Technologies User Rights and Responsibilities Agreement.
This policy provides direction to staff, students and parents/caregivers on procedures, responsibilities, and expectations regarding the Digital Learning Program.
Underdale High School is committed to providing challenging opportunities for students to become responsible for their own learning. Research has established the positive effect of homework in fostering the development of lifelong skills, such as, study habits, time management and goal setting.
INDEPENDENT STUDY and HOMEWORK is most effective when:
– It’s targeted and reinforces class learning and can be completed independently.
– Completed in a pre-determined, quiet, and consistent study space.
– Learners use a number of strategies to help them learn (see table below).
– Assessed with feedback provided in order to move learning forward.
When there is inclement weather, students are provided with an alternative to being in the yard at break
times. This Policy works in conjunction with the UHS SunSmart Policy. Examples of inclement weather
include, but are not limited to the following or any combination thereof:
- Extreme high temperatures (36C+)
- Rain
- Hail
- Severe dust or electrical storm
An Executive Leader in liaison with the supervising Yard Duty teachers will make the decision on
inclement weather alternatives for any given day.
The Melbourne Declaration commits ‘to supporting all young Australians to become
successful learners, confident and creative individuals, and active and informed citizens’ and
to promoting equity and excellence in education.
This policy provides direction to students, staff and families about managing personal mobile phones and other digital devices that students choose to bring to school. Digital devices include, but are not limited to, smartwatches, tablets or laptops. This policy applies while students are at school or attending an authorised school activity such as an excursion during school hours.
The underlying principle for these guidelines is that “students must submit for assessment only work that is their own, produced without undue assistance from other people or sources.” This policy as a result, is in addition to UHS’s deadline procedure (as students are considered not to have met their assessment deadline) and the ethical use of AI (such as chat gpt) for teaching, learning and assessment.
Underdale High School expects all students to complete set tasks to the best of their ability and develop skills and
attitudes in time management and effective work practices. The following principles underpin this policy:
- Realistic expectations and deadlines are set by teachers and negotiated with students
- All students learn to manage their time effectively and accept responsibility for completing tasks, meeting deadlines and final due dates to ensure that work is submitted
- Teachers will use a range of strategies to support students to complete work by due dates including contacting
parents of overdue drafts and summative work. - Students are able to negotiate extensions to deadlines for
- sickness or injury supported be medical certificate or valid note from parents/caregivers
- social/ emotional issues
- family crisis at time of due date
- misadventure – providing sufficient progress is demonstrated
- In accordance with the SACE guidelines for year 11 and 12
- If a student is absent on the day of the due date for a summative task, it is expected that the work will be send
via DAYMAP / email or presented on the day of their return to school
A balance of ultraviolet (UV) radiation exposure is important for health. Too much of the sun’s UV radiation can
cause sunburn, skin and eye damage and skin cancer. Sun exposure in childhood and adolescence is a major
factor in determining future skin cancer risk. Too little UV from the sun can lead to low vitamin D levels. Vitamin D
is essential for healthy bones and muscles, and for general health.
Underdale High School takes great pride in its uniform, which is also strongly supported by our school
community. Students are expected to wear correct uniform at all times between leaving home in the
morning and arriving home in the afternoon. We seek parental support to ensure that their child is wearing
the correct uniform each morning. Students need to present an explanatory note if they are out of uniform.
Repeated failure to comply with the wearing of school uniform will result in consequences in line with the
Behaviour Support Policy.