Parent Communication with the School. The main form of communication with parents will be electronic through DfE Learner Management System. Therefore it is important that current details of email addresses and mobile phone numbers are on record.
The Home Group teachers are the first line of communication. Please feel free to contact your child’s Home-Group teacher to discuss the progress of your child in the general life of the school. You may be referred to other staff members who can help you with specific problems: subject teachers, our student wellbeing and engagement teachers, year level coordinators and senior leaders.
Bulletin Notices
Bulletin Notices are produced daily on the Learner Management System to inform staff and students of meetings, sport arrangements or other such items. The Bulletin
is read to the class during Home-Group and students have access to the bulletin through the Learner Management System, Daymap.
Learner Management System (Daymap)
Learner Management System will provide parents information about student attendance to school and class as well as class notes for the learning program for each lesson including set homework. Assessment plans, results, progress reports and end of term reports will also be available on the Learner Management System, Daymap.
Newsletters are produced and posted via EdSmart at least twice per term. The newsletter enables our school community to be kept informed about up-and-coming events, reporting on past events/activities and celebrating student achievements. Families are sent an electronic newsletter.
School Assemblies
School Assemblies are organised by our Student Voice Prefects and held once per term in the gymnasium. These meetings acknowledge and celebrate our student achievements, features musical items and guest speakers and highlight important community or international events.
SMS Messaging
SMS Messaging is a text messaging service that notifies parents / caregivers of their child’s unexplained absence or lateness. A prompt response to explain is appreciated.
Reporting to Students and Parents
We assess the progress of our middle school students based on the achievement standards in the Australian Curriculum and issue comprehensive reports at the end of each semester. Progress Reports are also written midterm and end of Term reports are written at the end of each term. Parent Teacher Conferences are held in term 2. This is an opportunity for students and teachers to discuss achievement and progress with parents. Individual teacher interviews can also be arranged at a negotiated time. All reports are available on the Learning Management System, Daymap