
Please report all absences via email to dl.0965.absences@schools.sa.edu.au OR via a phone call to Student Services on 8301 8008

Attendance Expectations
School commences at 8.35 am each day and finishes at 3.10, except Monday, when the school day starts at 9.45 pm. All students who arrive/depart outside of these times must provide an explanation from a parent/caregiver when signing in/out of Students Services.

Acceptable explanations for absence will only include:

  • Illness (Year 11/12 absences from summative assessment must be accompanied with a valid medical certificate).

  • Illness (3 or more consecutive days must be verified by a medical certificate).

  • Medical/dental appointments that cannot be made out of school hours (verified by appointment card).

  • Family trauma/bereavement (parent/caregiver note).

  • Days of religious or cultural significance.

  • Other reasons accepted by the Principal.

Day Absence
If a student is absent from school, parents/caregivers are asked to notify the school via absentee notification email or by phoning Student Services. Parents/carergivers are asked to report absences early in the day prior to the school-generated SMS being sent out. On any day a student is absent and there has been NO notification to the school, an SMS message will be sent to the first contact parent/caregiver mobile phone number, informing them of the absence.   Parents/caregivers can reply to this SMS with a reason for student absence.

Upon the student’s return, notes from parent/caregivers must be shown to their Home Group teacher for updating the student’s absence record.  

If a student is late to school, parents/caregivers are asked to notify the school via late absentee notification email or by phone to Student Services in the morning. Parents/caregivers are asked to report any lateness early in the day prior to the school-generated SMS being sent out. On any day a student is late and there has been no notification to the school, an SMS message will be sent to the first contact parent/caregiver mobile phone number, informing them of their child’s lateness. Parents/caregiver can reply to this SMS.

Students who arrive at school after 8:35am must report to Student Services and register their late arrival through the school’s computer sign in system. All students who sign in late will be given a late slip that needs to be presented to the subject teacher upon entering the class room.

Written signed notes from parent/caregivers with reason for lateness are to be shown to Student Services for updating absence records. All notes are required the day of lateness.  

Early Departure
All students leaving school early must have a written signed note from a parent/caregiver.  This note must explain the reason for the early departure.  This note needs to be shown to Student Services before signing out.   No student will be signed out without written parental/caregiver permission.  Student Services will contact parents/caregivers if verbal permission is required.

Extended leave from school (more than 3 days)
Students who are absent from school for more than 3 days for family holiday or reasons other than illness need to complete an Exemption Form. This form can be collected from the Front Office and must be completed by each subject teacher and approved by the Principal. The Exemption must be approved by the Principal BEFORE the extended leave.  

Please note: It is a requirement of the Department for Education that all student absences are explained by a parent or caregiver.